Spiral word meaning and definition
Beside meaning and definition for word "spiral", on this page you can find other interesting information too, like synonyms or related words. On bottom of the page we have fun area, like tarot cards, numerology for these Six characters, how to write "spiral" with bar codes or hand signs and more.. Table of Contents:
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Meaning and definition for "spiral" word
[noun] a structure consisting of something wound in a continuous series of loops; "a coil of rope"
[noun] ornament consisting of a curve on a plane that winds around a center with an increasing distance from the center
[noun] a plane curve traced by a point circling about the center but at ever-greater distances from it
[noun] a curve that lies on the surface of a cylinder or cone and cuts the element at a constant angle
[adjective] in the shape of a coil
[verb] to wind or move in a spiral course:" the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action,", "black smoke coiling up into the sky"; "the young people gyrated on the dance floor"
[verb] move in a spiral or zigzag course
[verb] form a spiral; "The path spirals up the mountain"
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\Spi"ral\, n. [Cf. F. spirale. See {Spiral}, a.] 1. (Geom.) A plane curve, not re["e]ntrant, described by a point, called the generatrix, moving along a straight line according to a mathematical law, while the line is revolving about a fixed point called the pole. Cf. {Helix}. 2. Anything which has a spiral form, as a spiral shell. {Equiangular spiral},a plane curve which cuts all its generatrices at the same angle. Same as {Logarithmic spiral}, under {Logarithmic}. {Spiral of Archimedes}, a spiral the law of which is that the generatrix moves uniformly along the revolving line, which also moves uniformly.
Synonyms for spiral
coil, coil, coiled, coiling, corkscrew, gyrate, helical, helix, helix, spiraling, turbinate, volute, volute, voluted, whorl, whorled
See also: construction | curve | curve | curved shape | decoration | hank | ornament | ornamentation | rotation | structure | turn | wind |
The fun area, different aproach to word »spiral«
Let's analyse "spiral" as pure text. This string has Six letters in Two syllables and Two vowels. 33.3% of vowels is 5.3% less then average English word. Written in backwards: LARIPS. Average typing speed for these characters is 1680 milliseconds. [info]
Numerology Hearts desire number calculated from vowels:
spiral: 9 + 1 = 10, reduced: 1 . and the final result is One. |
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